Cosmetic Raw Material Safety Assessment

Includes Hazard Assessment of CBD in Skin Care

Duration: 90 Minutes
Course Instructor

Ramez Labib, PhD, MBA, DABT, ERT

$ 195
Discounts: We offer a 10% group discount when you register 2 or more attendees (up to 10). Contact us for groups over 10.

Course description

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This 90-minute accredited course provides the special knowledge about toxicology and risk assessment within the cosmetic industry. Cosmetic regulations worldwide require every ingredient in cosmetic products to be safe for use on the human body in rinse-on or rinse-off products, such as face creams or shower gels. For example, the recently enacted Modernization of the Cosmetic Regulatory Act (MoCRA) by US Food & Drug Administration mandates that companies maintain adequate safety assessments of their products.

This course will describe the tests used to evaluate the toxicity of cosmetic ingredients and the process of cosmetic risk assessment. This process is divided into three steps: hazard identification, dose-response, and exposure assessment.

A case study will serve as a practical example of the application of these principles.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the global regulatory landscape for cosmetic ingredient safety evaluation.
  • Describe the ingredients in cosmetics associated to their potentially toxic profile.
  • Describe the process of safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients.
  • List the key elements of a safety assessment including intended use, dosage, and exposure calculations, which are crucial for determining NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) and
    MOS (Margin of Safety).
  • Evaluate and analyze the risk assessment case studies.


Overview of regulatory landscape for cosmetic safety

  • Cosmetic Regulations in US
  • Cosmetic Regulations in EU
  • Cosmetic Regulations in China

Safety risk assessment of cosmetic ingredients

  • Hazard assessment for ingredients to cover local and systemic toxicity
  • Conducting risk assessment for cosmetic ingredients
  • Risk characterization to determine acceptable use level

Case study for cosmetic ingredient risk assessment

  • Hazard Assessment for CBD and use of new approach methodology for local toxicity
  • Exposure assessment for use of CBD in skin care application
  • Derivation of an acceptable safe use level of CBD in skin care
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Who should

This course will be beneficial to anyone with a responsibility for and/or interest in cosmetic products, especially personnel involved with safety assessment.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Responsible persons
  • Formulation chemists
  • Safety assessors and toxicologists
  • Technical managers

Managers and supervisors of those listed above will also benefit by realizing the challenges they face in safety assessment.

Course Instructor

Ramez Labib, PhD, MBA, DABT, ERT

Principal Toxicologist at Venebio Consulting, LLC.

Ramez Labib, PhD, MBA, DABT, ERT’s Courses


Team Training

When you need on-site attention, we’re not just here to help, we’re there to help—right by your side.

Individual courses are remarkably effective. But sometimes when you have a specific need, it helps to have expert guidance right in the room with you and your team.

In that case, we’re happy to design a custom training for your entire team, whether online—or on-site.

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