There is a universe of individuals, departments, and contract organizations outside the direct control of the Stabilitarian which interact with the stability process in ways that can boost or hinder the success of the program. Some of these are obvious while others go virtually unrecognized, yet members of both can impact us severely and deserve our attention.
This training course will demonstrate how the Stabilitarian can optimize relationships and interactions with these “stars” in the Stability Universe to bring about the best possible outcomes for both sides of the partnership.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
You will be redirected to our secure system.
This course is intended for professionals in the Medical Products industry and those in Contract Research Organizations who operate in Stability, Quality Control, Analytical Chemistry and Quality Assurance departments.
It will be especially beneficial for Technicians, Scientists, Associates, Specialists, Supervisors/Managers and Associate Directors, as well as other stakeholder roles associated with the Stability function.
When you need on-site attention, we’re not just here to help, we’re there to help—right by your side.
Individual courses are remarkably effective. But sometimes when you have a specific need, it helps to have expert guidance right in the room with you and your team.
In that case, we’re happy to design a custom training for your entire team, whether online—or on-site.
Learn more