How to Perform a Compliant, Effective, and In-depth Out of Specification (OOS) Investigation
Some FDA (form 483s) and other regulatory bodies inspectional findings, FDA warning letters, product recalls and plant shutdown (voluntary or involuntary) sometimes relate to incomplete, ineffective, and non-compliant OOS investigations that impact a manufactured product. Per the regulations, all Failures, Deviations, or OOS results investigations regardless of its product impact should be appropriately documented, investigated, and analyzed for the root cause(s), with a justifiable retest plan and an effective corrective action plan. Understanding how to identify a true OOS from other types of Laboratory investigations, Invalid Assays, Known Lab Error, Atypical Events, or Lab Calibration out of Tolerance as well as when to perform a retest based on the findings of the OOS investigation is critical to achieving compliance. It is also critical to know when and how to apply averaging versus an outlier to an original test and re-test data generated during an OOS result. This will allow a product manufacturer to achieve compliance relating to an OOS investigational process.
This accredited training will benefit manufacturers of cGMP products in designing an effective, robust and compliant OOS investigation process.
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This webinar will provide a great resource to Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Biologics, Drugs, Medical Device, In-vitro Diagnostics
Industry personnel within the following functions:
However, if you are already familiar with how to perform an effective out-of-specification investigation and apply its requirements, you may recommend this webinar to anyone within your company that may require additional knowledge about this subject.
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Individual courses are remarkably effective. But sometimes when you have a specific need, it helps to have expert guidance right in the room with you and your team.
In that case, we’re happy to design a custom training for your entire team, whether online—or on-site.
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