In a groundbreaking collaboration, Cobblestone (previously The Center for Professional Advancement-CfPA) and pH Factor proudly unveil a revolutionary live training series poised to redefine professional development within the cosmetic industry. This strategic partnership brings together the unparalleled expertise of two industry giants dedicated to advancing knowledge and skills in cosmetic formulation, education, and training.
Scheduled to kick off in 2024, this immersive learning experience promises attendees a unique opportunity to engage in live training events featuring global experts in personal care and cosmetic formulations.
What sets this series apart is its alignment with Sydney time, catering to professionals across the Asia-Pacific region and ensuring convenient integration into their daily schedules.
These accredited courses present the perfect platform to keep pace with the fast-evolving cosmetic industry by granting exposure to cutting-edge insights. The in-depth training will broadly discuss the most current topics, best industry practices, and up-and-coming technologies.
What to Expect?
- Global Expertise: Immerse yourself in the insights and knowledge of industry leaders with extensive global experience in the cosmetic industry.
- Sydney Time Convenience: Access real-time morning sessions, tailored for professionals in the Asia-Pacific region, providing a seamless and convenient learning experience.
- Cutting-Edge Insights: Stay ahead of industry trends with in-depth training covering the latest topics, industry best practices, and emerging technologies.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow professionals and experts, fostering valuable relationships within the cosmetic industry.
- Accreditation: Qualify for IACET CEUs while acquiring knowledge and skills in high demand within the dynamic cosmetic sector.
About pH Factor?
pH Factor, a renowned name in cosmetic formulation, education & training, brings a wealth of expertise to the table for over 13years. With over 40 years of combined industry experience, the team’s commitment to innovation and product development has made them a pioneer in the industry.
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Cobblestone and pH Factor