Laboratory Controls Overview & Establishment of Specifications

In FDA’s Guide to Inspections of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories (7/93), it is stated The pharmaceutical quality control laboratory serves one of the most important functions in pharmaceutical production and control. A significant portion of the CGMP regulations (21 CFR 211) pertain to the quality control laboratory and product testing. Consistent with current Good Manufacturing… Continue reading Laboratory Controls Overview & Establishment of Specifications

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Analytical Methods Validation – 21CFR211.165(e)

One of the most critical factors in developing and marketing pharmaceutical drug substances and drug products today is ensuring that the analytical methods used for analysis can generate valid data upon which business and regulatory decisions can be made. FDA, ICH and USP have each recognized the importance of this to the drug development process… Continue reading Analytical Methods Validation – 21CFR211.165(e)

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Stability Testing – 2 CFR 211.166 (a & b)

In 2006, FDA withdrew both their approved 1987 Stability Guideline and their draft 1998 Stability Guidance and referred industry to the ICH Stability Guidances. In the absence of the detailed FDA guidelines, industry was left to interpret the somewhat ambiguous GMPs. The fact that stability issues continue to be a major cause for regulatory action… Continue reading Stability Testing – 2 CFR 211.166 (a & b)

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IQ, OQ and PQ for the Laboratory

The FDA’s 21 CFR Part 211.160 establishes the legal requirement for calibrating laboratory equipment. Now more commonly referred to as Installation Qualification/Operational Qualification/Performance Qualification (IQ/OQ/PQ), the qualification of equipment in a GMP Laboratory in the Pharmaceutical and Bio Pharmaceutical manufacturing operations are essential parts of the overall validation process and ongoing commercial batch release. Data… Continue reading IQ, OQ and PQ for the Laboratory

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Competitive Intelligence in Product Development

Consider any successful product or service, and it is highly likely its benefits and differentiation were informed by competitive intelligence. Without it, the product or service may fail and soon disappear from the shelf. Competitive intelligence can literally make that much of a difference. This training course will introduce the discipline of competitive intelligence and… Continue reading Competitive Intelligence in Product Development

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Good Documentation Practices for Laboratory Records

In FDA’s Guide to Inspections of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories (7/93), it is stated The pharmaceutical quality control laboratory serves one of the most important functions in pharmaceutical production and control. A significant portion of the CGMP regulations (21 CFR 211) pertain to the quality control laboratory and product testing. Good documentation practices are expected… Continue reading Good Documentation Practices for Laboratory Records

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How to Manage and Prepare for a Pre-Approval Inspections (PAI)

The purpose of the Regulatory inspection is an activity that should demonstrate that your company is operating according to the proper CFR requirements and maintaining a state of compliance. The key to a successful audit is being able to communicate how your quality systems assure this state of control. Many times, the arrival of a… Continue reading How to Manage and Prepare for a Pre-Approval Inspections (PAI)

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Managing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the FDA Regulated Environment

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are a regulatory requirement for industries that are governed by the FDA and other world health authorities. Currently, there is no guidance on how to develop or manage the SOP creation or the SOP quality system. Consequently, SOPs are frequently written in a way that makes compliance difficult or downright impossible.… Continue reading Managing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the FDA Regulated Environment

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Handling OOS Test Results and Completing Robust Investigations

It was the Barr Decision in the early 1990s that first coined the term Out-of-Specification (OOS). Since that landmark case, pharmaceutical companies, both drug and biologicals, have had to perform adequate investigations whenever an OOS result was obtained through laboratory testing. In the nearly 30 years since then, FDA continues to cite companies for not… Continue reading Handling OOS Test Results and Completing Robust Investigations

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Basics of Microbiology

For products that claim a desired Sterility Assurance Level (SAL), proof of a defined SAL (specification) is achieved through the product’s sterilization and sterility assurance controls. Compliance Observations cited each year by the FDA on Form 483s that relates to Sterilization and Sterility Assurance processes shows that there are deficiencies associated with these key processes… Continue reading Basics of Microbiology

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