Cosmetic Claims Support Studies

Practical Applications in Regulatory and Design Fundamentals

Duration: 6 Hours
Course Instructor

Stephen R. Schwartz

Stuart Lee Friedel

$ 980
Discounts: We offer a 10% group discount when you register 2 or more attendees (up to 10). Contact us for groups over 10.

Course description

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As the cosmetic industry aims to create safer products and unique claims to stand out in the market, scientific resources need to prioritize testing products for their skin activity while meeting all product claims. Developing common criteria for justifying claims is a challenging aspect of product development, as it must be customized for the intended use and product type.

To address these challenges, we offer this accredited training course that focuses on establishing best practices for claims support and experimental design with a strong regulatory framework that meets all government and agency requirements.

This course is tailored to provide key insights and strategies for navigating the complex process of claims support, including experimental design and regulatory compliance. By taking this course, participants will obtain the knowledge and skills needed to develop effective claims that are grounded in science and meet all regulatory standards.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the basic limitations of testing skin care products
  • Review common mistakes conducted during testing
  • Develop alternative methods for more accurate testing
  • Translate test data into rational, supportable claims
  • Create rational communication plans for presentation to regulatory officials
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Who should

This course is intended for professionals in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical skin care, and personal care industries. It will be especially beneficial to those in the following fields:
• Formulations
• Regulatory Affairs
• Clinical Testing
• Product Design
• Development Marketing

Course Instructor


Stephen R. Schwartz

Founder and Senior Partner, Stephen Schwartz and Associates, LLC

Stephen R. Schwartz’s Courses

Stuart Lee Friedel

Partner, Davis & Gilbert LLP

Stuart Lee Friedel’s Courses


Team Training

When you need on-site attention, we’re not just here to help, we’re there to help—right by your side.

Individual courses are remarkably effective. But sometimes when you have a specific need, it helps to have expert guidance right in the room with you and your team.

In that case, we’re happy to design a custom training for your entire team, whether online—or on-site.

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