Optimization of Powders for Flowability

There are several metrics that formulators use to quantify the flowability of powder blends, including angle of repose, Carr and Hausner ratios, FFC, and flow energies. They all have one thing in common: none will predict whether or not a powder will flow in a hopper. Frequently, powders that are deemed easy flowing exhibit flow… Continue reading Optimization of Powders for Flowability

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Developing and Optimizing of Roll Compacted Granulations for Tablets

Granulating is the most popular way to prepare materials for tableting. Many excipients and actives used in modern direct compression processes are granulated. The granulation process, using only pressure for particle size enlargement, is dry granulation (Roll compaction (RC)). The RC process, even though simple in principle, can be quite complex. Besides proper machine setup,… Continue reading Developing and Optimizing of Roll Compacted Granulations for Tablets

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Detergents and Cleaning Products

Like other industries, the cleaning products industry has had to adapt to the changes forced on it by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sector has a unique role in ensuring society remains clean, healthy, and free from infections. Thus, our industry has suffered less than most. We will review how the industry has developed to its… Continue reading Detergents and Cleaning Products

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Chocolate and Cocoa Processing

The focus of this training program is chocolate and cocoa processing. The course will guide you through the entire process, from cocoa beans to finished products. The program will emphasize the fundamental principles of chocolate and cocoa processing, including raw materials, finished products, equipment, facilities, and warehouse layouts. Upon completion of this course, you will be able… Continue reading Chocolate and Cocoa Processing

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An Introduction to Oral Solid Dosage Form

The most common pharmaceutical dosage is the oral solid dosage form, which includes both tablets and capsules. There are many different ways to manufacture these products, starting with the appropriate selection of excipients all the way through the production of the finished product. Ultimately, the successful production of a tablet or capsule is dependent upon… Continue reading An Introduction to Oral Solid Dosage Form

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Sunscreen Basics

In the Cosmetic and Personal care market, almost everyday creams claim to offer a sun protection factor or SPF, and body products for summer holidays claim high SPF numbers. In the U.S. the sun-filters (UV absorbing molecules) are listed on a positive list, they are considered drugs that can be sold over the counter (OTC),… Continue reading Sunscreen Basics

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Lyophilization Formulation and Process Development

Lyophilization is a very common technique used in preparing finished drug products. Yet there are many problems that can arise in production if the process has not been carefully developed. Without a good understanding of the development of this formulation and the process, these problems can readily occur. This accredited course will provide a brief… Continue reading Lyophilization Formulation and Process Development

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Introduction to Product Claims Development and Support

Differentiating claims are often key to successful OTC and CPG products. Consumer awareness of products is based on these labels and advertising claims that need to be both consumer meaningful and grounded in adequate scientific support. Agencies like the US-FDA, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and even TV networks have established requirements and guidelines on… Continue reading Introduction to Product Claims Development and Support

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Introduction to Lyophilization Technology

This course introduces you to the basics of lyophilization and why we lyophilize drug products. Typical approaches to developing a drug product formulation and lyophilization process development will be discussed. At the end of the course, you will be able to identify analytical techniques that are available to characterize drug products. The final goal of… Continue reading Introduction to Lyophilization Technology

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Dry Blending Technology

Dry blending is a key process in many industries. It is very important to understand the bulk solid properties that are present in an operation and how this affects process effectiveness. A lack of understanding can lead to excessive downtime and unnecessary expense to accompany. Several key areas will be covered including bulk solids properties,… Continue reading Dry Blending Technology

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